Gill Lewis Wins the 2015 Little Rebels Book Award

Scarlety Ibis, by Gill Lewis (OUP, 2014) - winner of the Little Rebels Book Award 2015

Gill Lewis has won this year’s Little Rebels Book Award for her book Scarlet Ibis (OUP, 2014). The announcement was made at the London Radical Bookfair last week-end and judge Kim Reynolds said,

All the judges agreed that Scarlet Ibis stands out as a book that not only fulfils the criteria for the award but is also excellently crafted. Birds, especially the scarlet ibis, weave the book’s multiple storylines together and provide a moving backdrop for a story that celebrates the often overlooked courage, loyalty and competence of children. As Gill Lewis acknowledges, some children are already changing their worlds.

Although she was not able to be present in person, an ‘utterly delighted’ Gill Lewis accepted the award in true Little Rebel style from her tree-house (where you’ll also find her if you visit her website). She said that the award reminded her to:

keep on being a little rebel. Because being a rebel isn’t just about challenging the big things…it’s also about challenging everyday things; it’s about not letting prejudice sneak in…[because] it comes in in celebrity jokes or it rides on the back of politicians tapping into our fears.

Read more about the award ceremony on the Little Rebels Children’s Book Award blog here, and about Scarlet Ibis as well as the other books on the shortlist with comments from the judges here.

Read about how Gill came to write the book here.

Little Rebels Book Award 2015 - Shortlist

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